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  "type_spec": {
    "Item": {
      "type": "Weapon",
      "rarity": "Elite",
      "part": 1,
      "name": "Flenser AC"
  "name": "Flenser AC",
  "image": "https://gateway-stage.gunztoken.io/api/v1/items/item_weapon_flenserac1.png",
  "description": "The Flenser boasts a new, modern appearance; high-capacity mag; combined with unparalleled stopping power. The Flenser made history when it was revealed at a recent gun-lovers convention in Vegas as the first \"female designed and constructed gun\" to go into wide circulation. Mother of two and spokesperson for the NRA, Mrs Majorie Frenchham, lauded its all-female design team as \"An inspiration to little girls everywhere.\""